The Region 10 Comprehensive Center provides a dynamic range of capacity-building services to Minnesota and Wisconsin state education agencies, regional agencies, and local school districts. We carry out support directly, through special events, publications, and promotion of resources.

Latest Resources

MNMTSS Survey - Spring 2023 District Analysis

July 2024

The purpose of the MnMTSS Survey was to provide an understanding of MnMTSS implementation patterns across Minnesota, so that the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) can target support to district leadership.


Taking Action to Make a Marked Difference: Enhancing Statewide School Mental Health and Trauma Sensitive Schools Initiatives in WI

April 2024

The Wisconsin Department of Education (DPI) is on the forefront of implementing best practices to support school mental health. This includes their work on creating a Wisconsin School Mental Health Framework, which articulates how to build a Comprehensive School Mental Health System (CSMHS), and their work on Trauma Sensitive Schools (TSS).


Competency-Based Education (CBE) and Learner-Centered Practices in Minnesota Public Schools: a Landscape Study

December 2023

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), together with the Region 10 Comprehensive Center (R10CC), conducted a survey of educators in Minnesota public schools to better understand which schools are implementing competency-based education (CBE) practices and to learn more about their goals, successes, and challenges. These insights will help others develop policies and practices that support learner-centered approaches in our schools.


“They have a strong knowledge of the work of the SEA, and they are able to make connections and build coherence across projects. They are flexible, knowledgeable, and supportive of our work. I feel that they greatly expand our capacity at the SEA.”

—WDPI leader