Wisconsin's Informational Guidebook on Dyslexia and Related Conditions
July 2021
Wisconsin's Informational Guidebook on Dyslexia and Related Conditions provides information to learners, families, educators, and educational systems. This guidebook was required by 2019 Wisconsin Act 86 and was created through collaboration between the advisory committee, as outlined in Act 86, and DPI. DPI identified two co-chairs of the advisory committee that collaborated and planned engagement opportunities for both groups prior to each meeting. All meetings of the advisory committee were held online and facilitated by Dr. Alisia Moutry, Co-Director of the Wisconsin Minnesota Comprehensive Center Region 10. Each meeting was a public meeting; members of the public observed the meetings. The meetings were for advisory committee work and, therefore, did not include time for public comments or participation. Public notice of advisory committee meetings was posted on this website as they became available. Feedback was solicited from advisory committee members at several points in the drafting process and was available for 30 days of public comment.